Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mexican Town

With Fivo the Mayo (Cinco de Mayo for my Spanish speaking amigos) quickly approaching I thought that it would only be fitting to start off this adventure series with Mexico. However, I really couldn’t afford to hop on a plane and review a country for all of you, but I do accept donations. I apologize for the lack of adventure displayed in this adventure blog but I did bring you the closest thing Detroit offers to the great state of Mexico, Mexicantown. Actually, that might not be completely accurate. There are other places with bartering, street food, stray dogs, and wild chickens. Have any of you been to Gibraltar Trade Center? Anyways…

Mexicantown is easily one of the most visited areas of downtown Detroit. Located between Clark Park and West Grand Blvd, Mexicantown is packed with vibrant buildings, shopping, and of course amazing food. It is easy to see why so many people visit each year.  Although Mexicantown offers a variety of activities, I am fairly certain that those reading this blog aren’t concerned with the shopping district, but just so you know, there are quite a few places to get a kick ass sombrero.

 People from the suburbs are concerned with safety in downtown Detroit and especially Mexicantown, but in my numerous aventuras I have not encountered any issues. Although I would advise those that aren’t familiar with the area to stick to Bagley or Vernor Ave until you feel more comfortable. Parking may also be an issue depending on the time of day but two outstanding restaurants offer private lots instead of on-street parking.

The first of these restaurants is Armando’s Mexican Cuisine. Armando’s is located just off the Bagley strip on Vernor Ave. Armando’s offers a great menu, décor, and atmosphere. The area may seem a little shady but there is a parking lot attached to the back of the building. If you are looking to throw your own Mexican themed party you can also have Armando’s cater or provide carry-out. Combine Armando’s with Evie’s Tamales and you can throw one hell of a fiesta.

The second is my personal favorite, Xochimilco (pronounced soc-i-mico). Xochimilco is named after one of the sixteen boroughs found within the Mexican Federal District. The restaurant itself is essentially a converted house. When you walk inside you will see narrow walkways and different rooms set up with seating. Upstairs they offer a bar and additional seating.

The food at Xochimilco is outstanding. They start you off with arguably the best chips and salsa this side of Mexico. The menu is diverse and large, offering both traditional and Americanized options. I highly recommend flautas. For those of you that aren’t familiar, a flauta is a large corn tortilla rolled around a filling (chicken, steak, etc). It is then topped with lettuce, sour cream, tomato, etc. I must warn you, the portions are massive so order accordingly. Last but not least, Xochimilco offers margarita by the pitcher. Yes, you heard that correctly. These are deceptively strong and very tasty so please be careful. Remember you may be driving in an unfamiliar area.

Overall, Mexicantown is a great place to take a date, go out for a family dinner, or just experience the great city of Detroit. For those of you looking to celebrate Fivo the Mayo, there is no better place than Mexicantown. So grab some friends, your sombrero, and a designated driver and head on down. Feedback is welcome so feel free to comment on your experience or questions.

3409 Bagley Ave
Detroit, MI 48216

Armando’s Mexican Cuisine
4242 W Vernor Hwy
Detroit, MI 48209

Evie’s Tamales
3454 Bagley Ave
Detroit, MI 48216



  1. Thanks for the great review of Mexicantown. Very informative and useful info for visitors.
    Have you been to the Ghost Bar at the Whitney? Up on the third floor. I've always wanted to check it out. Is it really haunted? ;-) Love the patio dining there in the summer!

  2. I have not been to the Ghost Bar at the Whitney. I have been there for the garden parties but not to the Ghost Bar.

    Thank you for the great suggestion. I will be sure to check it out and review it!

  3. Excellent! I look forward to your take on it. I wanted to check it out, but it was during the sweltering hot weather we had last summer when we were there so it was closed. I was told the air conditioning doesn't do a great job up there :/

    What a great idea for your blog, by the way. I definitely look forward to more of your reviews. I love hearing about new places to check out in the City.

    1. Linda,

      I will probably do this around post 5 or 6 so stay tuned!


  4. Very excellent review for Mexicantown in Detroit! I grew up in the Southeast, and I'm therefore super picky about my Mexican food; the restaurants in Mexicantown are the only ones I'll go to for good Mexican.

    I'm looking forward to reading reviews about places I have not been (this Ghost Bar sounds pretty cool). This blog may inspire me to see new places and try new things.

  5. I am embarrassed to admit that i have never been to Mexicantown. But I think this post has inspired me to check it out. Margaritas by the pitcher? I'm in!

    Love that your humor shows through in your writing.

    1. I mean I am a little embarrassed that you admitted that as well. I am kidding. It seems to be a place that many people have missed out on. I hope you find the time to check it out. Yes...by....the....pitcher!!!

      Wait, what humor? :-)

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